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All members of the River Creek MGA are REQUIRED  to maintain a USGA handicap for participation in MGA events. Members must post, record and use their handicaps during the course of both normal and tournament play.   The handicap system is predicated on the "honor system" and is critical to the establishment of fair play not only in MGA events but all club sponsored golf activities. 

Handicaps are managed by entering scores with the GHIN system. To enter scores, members may utilize the GHIN mobile app, access the GHIN website, or post through the computer terminal located just outside the club pro shop. If members need any assistance obtaining their GHIN number or have any difficulties, please contact a representative in the club Pro Shop. 

The MGA board reserves the right to make any necessary adjustments to the handicap of members. Adjustments to handicaps will require the approval of the MGA Handicap Chairman.

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